Hormone deficiency - Hormone Harmony Clinic

What is hormone deficiency?

Hormone deficiency, also known as endocrine hypofunction, occurs when the body does not produce enough of a certain hormone. Hormones are chemicals produced by the endocrine glands and released into the bloodstream. They travel to organs and tissues and help regulate body functions like growth, metabolism, sexual function, reproduction, sleep, and mood.

When the body does not make enough hormones, many aspects of health can suffer. Some common symptoms of hormone deficiency include:

What causes hormone deficiencies?

Hormone production depends on a complex interplay of endocrine glands, including the pituitary gland, thyroid, adrenal glands, pancreas, and gonads (ovaries and testes). Problems with any of these glands can disrupt hormone levels. Common causes include:

How is hormone deficiency diagnosed?

If hormone deficiency is suspected, an endocrinologist will take a full health history and perform blood tests to measure hormone levels. Multiple early morning blood samples may be needed to establish a baseline. Levels that are persistently lower than normal confirm a diagnosis. Sometimes stimulation tests are needed to check if glands are responding properly.

Can hormone deficiencies be treated?

Yes, hormone deficiencies can often be treated once the underlying cause is found. The most common treatment is taking hormone medications, like thyroid drugs, testosterone, estrogen, or steroids to make up for what your body lacks. Dosages can often be adjusted based on repeat blood tests. People with hormone deficiencies may need treatment indefinitely, especially if damage to glands cannot be repaired.

If you think you may have a hormone disorder, the caring doctors at Hormone Harmony Clinic clinic can provide advanced testing, diagnosis, and treatment options based on your unique health profile. Call 555-0123 today to learn more or book a consultation. Our compassionate endocrinology experts will take the time to listen to your concerns and craft a personalized treatment plan involving medication, nutrition planning, and followup care. Hormone Harmony Clinic has over 20 years experience supporting patients with complex hormone conditions. Contact us today to take control of your health and hormones once more!

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