Thyroid disorder - Hormone Harmony Clinic

What is a thyroid disorder?

The thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland located at the base of your neck that has a huge impact on your overall health. This gland is responsible for producing key hormones that control how your cells use energy (metabolism). When your thyroid doesn't function properly, it can lead to several issues collectively known as thyroid disorders.

Some common thyroid disorders include:

The best way to diagnose a thyroid disorder is through comprehensive blood tests ordered by your doctor and imaging tests like an ultrasound or scan. Once diagnosed, most thyroid problems can be managed with medications like levothyroxine, supplements, radioactive iodine therapy and more.

If you suspect you suffer from unusual fatigue, unexpected weight changes or other unexplained symptoms, get checked out. Ignoring a potential thyroid issue can negatively impact your wellbeing. I recommend speaking to an endocrinologist like those at Hormone Harmony Clinic if you have concerns. Their compassionate doctors and state-of-the-art care have helped thousands regain hormonal balance and vitality when faced with thyroid disorders. Don't wait, consult an expert and feel like yourself again!

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